A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches Book Cover A Discovery of Witches
Deborah E. Harkness
Viking Adult

Summary: Discovering a magical manuscript in Oxford's library, scholar Diana Bishop, a descendant of witches who has rejected her heritage, inadvertently unleashes a fantastical underworld of daemons, witches and vampires whose activities center around an enchanted treasure.

My Review: I absolutely loved this novel! The TV show  was exceptional as well! I've watched it several times and it was pretty dang close to the book so far. I am excited for season 2 to come out this next year. I've started collecting all the books and guides. I've just started the second book. 

Diana is the main protagonist who is a professor on sabbatical at Oxford University.  She is from a well know family of witches, but ever since she was a child she could never cast a proper spell. With her parent's death, she made it a point to live a life without magic. She devotes her life as a professor, scholar, and has an interest in alchemy.Soon she discovers a bewitched manuscript in the Bodleian library. As she attempts to unravel the secrets this book holds about magical creatures, she is forced back into the world of magic, full of vampires, daemons, witches and forbidden love.

Matthew De Claremont, a geneticist and vampire helps Diana to attempt to protect the book and solve the riddles within its pages, while at the same time dodging threats from the magical creature world.

I could read this novel over again and again and watch the TV show just as many times! Happy reading! 

Watch out for: 

Kissing, mild language, supernatural violence, and social drinking. 

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