Romance With a Side of Green Chile

Romance with a Side of Green Chile Book Cover Romance with a Side of Green Chile
Marcia Lynn McClure
Distractions Ink
March 20, 20`7

All at once, Talli felt the ball of her right foot catch on the pavement. As she stumbled forward, she tried to steady her footing, but it was too late. The downward slope of the paved path down to the field was just too steep, and she squealed a bit as she felt herself fall forward. As her stomach and chest collided with the ground, she felt her chin graze the pavement—felt her legs whip up over her back for a moment before she came to rest sprawled out like a cartoon character who had just hit a brick wall.

“Hey! Are you all right?” a deep voice asked.

Still struggling to draw breath—the awful panic of having the air pushed so forcibly from her lungs threatening to shove her into hysterics—Talli nodded, gasping, “Yeah…yeah…I’m fine.”

“I don’t think you’re fine,” the deep voice doubted.

Then Talli felt strong hands assisting her to roll over onto her back, as several other passersby stopped, each asking, “Are you okay?”

Talli’s heart plunged to the bottom of her stomach. For as she found herself staring up into the gorgeous face of the hot Villarreal’s burrito guy, she choked, “Hey…you’re the Villarreal burrito boy.”

The handsome breakfast burrito maker smiled. “And you’re the funnel cake girl, right?”

“Yeah,” Talli managed.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” the handsome man inquired.

My Review:

It has been so long since I read a book all the way through! I have been so busy, that I haven’t had time to sit down and write a review, let alone a book.  This short little novel was just the thing I needed to get back at it.

This novel takes place at the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival. I’ve seen this festival from afar and it is quite spectacular. I absolutely loved this setting, it was so festive, light, and fun. New Mexico is like a second home to me since I grew up 20 miles from it and reading about it made me so homesick. Especially for frito pie and green chile!

Marcia does such a good job of making her descriptions so vivid. The way she described the food and atmosphere was incredible.

Talli and Ruger have been eyeing each other for a few years, and finally they officially meet due to a bit of clumsiness. They have an instant connection and fall pretty quickly for each other. The characters were very open. I loved their humor, open communication, and of course their kissing!

This is a very short read, less than 100 pages I believe. But all in all, it made me grin, laugh out loud, and left me satisfied.


Watch Out For: Mild Language, Kissing

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