The Wolf King

The Wolf King Book Cover The Wolf King
Marcia Lynn McClure
Distractions Ink, LLC

Of a sudden, Minnette’s reminiscences were scattered when she heard a sound that was not native to the meadow. A whistled call of sorts—and definitely human.

Sitting up—for she had indeed relaxed to near sprawling in the grass while caught up in her reverie—Minnette frowned when the next sound to reach her was that of shouting—a man shouting.
Leaping to her feet, she looked to the tree line at the north border of the meadow in time to see a man come bursting from without the forest at a full run. He was tall—that much Minnette could distinguish from her distance—and he appeared in some sort of distress by the further look of him. His shirt, though white and bloused at the sleeves, hung open, and he wore no vest or coat about it. His breeches were black, but his legs were otherwise void of protection; he wore no boots nor shoes of any kind.

Again the man shouted, as if tribulation were hot at his heels, and Minnette gasped as she then saw that it was indeed so. For as the man sprinted further into the open meadow, a pack of enormous white wolves, numbering at least five in brood, raced from the tree line in pursuit of the man! The wolves almost instantly overtook their prey, forcing the man to the ground as they pounced upon him, snarling and gnashing their teeth.

Minnette took hold of her kirtle skirt and, without pause, raced into the meadow toward the spectacle. The man would be dead before she reached him—she was certain of it! Yet she must try! She must endeavor to help him—to attempt to ward off the pack of hungry predators before they literally tore the man apart!

My Review:

I must be in a very weird mood this week. I usually devour and fall instantly in love with my favorite author’s books. But this one disappointed me in many ways. I didn’t feel giddy or ecstatic as I read through the chapters. Her books are usually an escape for me, but this time it dragged on, I couldn’t wait to get through it. The wolves and butterflies annoyed me. How could a girl function in her day-to-day life surrounded by butterflies 24’7? I didn’t feel like the love between Balain and Minnette was all that special. The more I write into this the more I feel like I should give it another chance someday when I am in a better mood. I will say this though. This is the first time in her books where I felt like there was equal dialogue between the main characters. Usually it is mostly through the eyes of the main female character. This time there was equal parts for both Minnette and Balian. I felt like it was a little bit more of Balian’s story than Minnette’s, in truth. Anyway, give it a chance if you like medieval romances.

Watch Out For: Kissing and fighting.


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