June 16th 2016

I remember the lights.
I remember I wanted to photograph them, the way the red and blue splashed across his cold, emotionless face. But I knew even if my feet could move from the place where they had cemented themselves to the ground and I could run for my camera, I wouldn’t be able to capture that moment.
I had trusted him, I had loved him, and even though my body had changed that summer, he’d made sure to help me hold on to who I was inside, regardless of how the exterior altered.
But then everything changed.
He stole my innocence. He scarred my heart. He took everything I thought I knew about my life and fast-pitched it out the window, shattering the glass that held my world together in the process.
I remember the lights.
The passionate, desperate, hot strikes of red. The harsh, cruel, icy bolts of blue.
They symbolized everything I endured that summer.
And everything I would never face again.
My Review:
This was one of those Kindle Firsts that you can download for free. It had a cool cover so I said why not? I’ll give it a shot.
Natalie is a recent graduate from high school, and she can’t decide what t do with her life. On top of it all, she is going through heartbreak. Her boyfriend of years just dumped her and went for someone completely oppose it of her. This breakup causes her to understand that she has been treated badly and now she feels uncomfortable in her own body. She becomes mortified with her weight and people seeing her as a privileged fat girl. She goes to a county club and hires a physical trainer named Rhodes to get her in shape. Rhodes is a broody man, who has complicated issues. The connection between the two is electric.
I got to admit that this book has heart and soul at the beginning. I could relate to the main character Natalie about the self-confidence issue and what not. I thought the first was great! I believe that Kandi really delivered a compelling , deeply emotional, and complex romance. But overall, I wasn’t that big of a fan. The he second half was rubbish. It had some potential for sure, but took a dive bomb towards the end. It has tons of twists and turns. Some were quite shocking and you won’t see them coming. I personally didn’t like it, but if you are into New Adult, then give it a try. But as for me, I’m going to go read something worthwhile.
Watch Out For: Explicit language, sexual content, rape attempt, disappearance, body shaming, and violence.