The Paper Bag Princess

The Paper Bag Princess Book Cover The Paper Bag Princess
Robert N. Munsch, Michael Martchenko,
Juvenile Nonfiction
Kindle eBook

After her castle and clothes are destroyed by the dragon, Princess Elizabeth, dressed only in a paper bag, sets out to rescue Prince Ronald, who was taken captive.

My Review:

This book was referred to me on my daily book deals from BookBub. Which is a site I highly recommend to those who read a lot!

It looked familiar and since it was less than a dollar I had to buy it of course! When reading it, I recalled my 1st grade teacher reading this to us during reading hour. Even as an adult, Children’s Picture books are so fun to read and review.

This is the kinda of stuff that fairy tales are made of! It is a true classic about being a hero, challenging and outsmarting dragons, and finding true love. I found it to be short, funny, and makes a great point about believing in yourself and expecting respect from those who love you.The ending does have quite a bit of a twist to it, but it honestly makes it even better.

This is a picture book so it is a good choice for read-aloud. It’s a book that challenges readers to be brave and to focus on how they treat people they like and love. The lessons in this book are simple, modern, and true.

The Princess, who is the main character, is very lovable, brave, and smart. She proofs that you can still be a princess whether you are in a fine gown or a paper bag and that a princess has a brain.

Robert Munsch wrote this book in 1980, way before today’s princess mania and its one of the first feminist princess books on the market. This makes for a great discussion with families on comparing this book to the other princess movies and book you have seen.

Overall the story is super cute and highly recommend it to families, little girls, and adults like me who enjoy a good old picture book.

Watch Out For: Fire-breathing dragon and destruction.

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