March 31st 2016

Adorkable (ah-dor-kuh-bul): Descriptive term meaning to be equal parts dorky and adorable. For reference, see Sally Spitz.
Seventeen-year-old Sally Spitz is done with dating. Or at least, she's done with the horrible blind dates/hookups/sneak attacks her matchmaking bestie, Hooker, sets her up on. There's only so much one geek girl and Gryffindor supporter can take.
Her solution: she needs a fake boyfriend. And fast.
Enter Becks, soccer phenom, all-around-hottie, and Sally's best friend practically since birth. When Sally asks Becks to be her F.B.F. (fake boyfriend), Becks is only too happy to be used. He'd do anything for Sal--even if that means giving her PDA lessons in his bedroom, saying she's "more than pretty," and expertly kissing her at parties.
The problem: Sally's been in love with Becks all her life--and he's completely clueless.
This book features two best friends, one special edition Yoda snuggie, countless beneath-the-ear kisses and begs the question:
Who wants a real boyfriend when faking it is so much more fun?
My Review:
“She is my friend.
Her name is Sal.
I hope one day she’ll be my gal.”
– Becks, aged 7
This book was referred to me from a co-worker and I am so glad she recommended it. It was only three dollars on Amazon!
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love and adore this book! I think I have read it over 5 times this year. It is a hysterical, dorky, and so adorable! This is one of the best romance books I’ve read this year, hands down.
Of course the story is very much predictable, but it still makes it a fun read. I thought it to be very well-written, considering its the author’s debut. Well done Cookie!
Sal and Becks are great characters and the best of friends. Each one makes the other better. I am a total sucker for the whole best friends turn to lovers type of stories.
It was definitely a page turner. I read it in one sitting. It’s so funny, sweet, and just fantastic. I honestly loved every minute of it.
Sal is a total nerd, genuine, and very relatable. I found that I related to her in many ways. Especially her love for Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and more. She would often quote the movies and dress up as the characters throughout the story. This made it so much more enjoyable to me.
I thought Becks was a babe. He is the star athlete and player guy. At times he was very sweet and nice to Sally, other times he was a jerk. Just like best friends are sometimes.
Her best friend Hooker and her Mom were annoying. They were constantly pushing men at her and trying to interfere in her life.
This book, without a doubt, will be going on my favorites shelf. I highly recommend it!
Watch Out For: Mild cursing, kissing, sports injuries, parties, and cuddling.