Sisterhood Everlasting

Sisterhood Everlasting Book Cover Sisterhood Everlasting
Ann Brashares
Random House Incorporated

Despite having jobs and men that they love, Tibby, Lena, Carmen, and Bridget know something is missing: the closeness that once sustained them. Carmen is a successful actress in New York, engaged to be married, but misses her friends. Lena finds solace in her art, teaching in Rhode Island, but still thinks of Kostos and the road she didn't take. Bridget lives with her longtime boyfriend, Eric, in San Francisco, and though a part of her wants to settle down, a bigger part can't seem to shed her old restlessness. When Tibby sends the others plane tickets for a reunion they all breathlessly await, it will change their lives forever, but in ways none of them ever expected. The traveling pants are gone, but the sisterhood lasts forever.

My Review:

It has been so long since I have read a whole book! It feels good to read a whole book again, instead of samples on my kindle. I have been behind these last few months. But I am making a goal to start reading and blogging reviews again. I’ve missed it a ton.

This book was something I needed to read at this time. It reminded me of friendships I have and the friendships I’ve let slip away. During my junior year of high school, there were four of us. Just like the sisterhood. We would have a bridge night, where we lit candles, had junk food, and talked about everything. We were best friends. A teacher told us that eventually we would all stop talking and that our friendship wouldn’t last. We of course denied it then, but it has almost been five-year since that time and I only communicate with one of them.

Much like the sisterhood, each character goes down a different path. Often their thoughts turn to their friends, with wondering on how things are going in their lives.Each one has different challenges, moments of weakness, sadness, or happiness.
This was a difficult read because of the tragedy that happens to them. It was heartbreaking to watch each character go through struggles and heartbreak. I am not going to lie. I shed a tear or too while reading this.

What I like so much about the sisterhood is that even though each character is flawed, they still grow and come to find their own happiness. And that their friendship is everlasting.

Watch Out For: Sex, planned parenthood, birth control, explicit swearing, drinking, death, and suicide.

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