The Breakup Bible

The Breakup Bible Book Cover The Breakup Bible
Melissa Kantor
April 10th 2007

Jen Lewis is having a great junior year. She is the features editor of the school paper, and she’s dating Max Brown, the paper’s editor-in-chief. Everything is perfect—that is, until Max says, “Maybe it would be better if we were just friends.” In shock and total denial, Jen wonders how she is going to deal with the pain of seeing Max in school every day. Her misery only intensifies when her grandmother gives her a book that she heard about on the radio. Dr. Emerson’s The Breakup Bible claims that “there’s no reason a woman can’t get over a breakup very quickly if she’ll just follow a few basic commandments.” Jen is doubtful. What does Dr. Emerson know about her and Max? In a send-up to the scores of dating books on the market, Melissa Kantor’s The Breakup Bible tackles the aftermath of a high school romance with her trademark honesty, humor, and wit.

My Review:

Once when I was a young girl in high school I found this book hidden away in the wrong section of the library. I checked it out and started reading it. I thought it was one of those books to help you step by step get over a breakup (Which I was going trough) and how to move on. But I was disappointed at first, because it turned about to be another Young Adult book. But still I gave it a try. To me this is just an ok read. I don’t like reading about an over dramatic girl who just got dumped and is in the “I’d rather die mood.” Nothing too exciting or funny. You just feel sorry for the girl and her family and friends. You feel sorry for her because she doesn’t know how to cope. And You feel sorry for the friends and family because they are dealing with a morbid friend and daughter who is constantly crying. Some of us have had to deal with breakups and know how hard it is to move on. But the problem with Jenny is that she takes forever to pick up and move on. She is always thinking that her ex and her will get back together. The only thing I really liked about this book is the Ten Commandments of moving on from a break up. Which I will show below. Overall it was just an ok book.

“Friends are as precious as boyfriends. Don’t think of this time as your friends are somehow second-rate just because you’re not in a relationship.”

” Is there a Web site called If so, this moment deserved to be the home page.”

Ten Breakup Commandments
1. Move out
2. You cannot be friends
3. Do not process this breakup together
4. Do not bad-mouth your ex to other people
5. Get rid of anything that reminds you of him
6. Start an exercise regime
7. Pursue an interest you could not have pursued while you and your ex were together.
8. Take a vacation
9. Embrace Change.
10. Go on a date-there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
Watch Out For:Some Kissing, some profanity, controversial race issues, and Teen Drinking.
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