Juvenile Fiction
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
October 1, 2002

Romeo and Juliet had the right idea. About dating the enemy that is. They were true to their hearts.
Kaitlin Malone know what it's like to date the enemy. She was raised to hate the Crutchfields, and absolutely does - until she meets Bram Crutchfield. It turns out he's a great guy - one she could talk to, share things with...even love. But when Kaitlin gives her heart to Bram, her world spins out of control. Soon the Crutchfields are here friends and she's a traitor to her own family.
To make things worse ,Bram was raised to hate the Malones, especially Kaitlin's father - who murdered Bram's dad. Bram doesn't know Kaitlin is a Malone. If he did he would hate her, too.
What's a star-crossed lover to do?
My Review:
I am a sucker for Romeo and Juliet-like books. The tale of Romeo and Juliet has always been my favorite. It’s the whole idea of forbidden love I think. I find it so tragically romantic. It’s hard to be in that position where you love someone so much, but you know that your parents don’t approve. It’s also hard knowing that the person you care for’s family doesn’t approve of you either. It makes the relationship you’re in difficult knowing that you’re families hate one another. It’s this tore feeling, it hurts, but you don’t want to give up on the person you care about.
Sounds like I’ve had experience in this huh? I think this is why I like this book so much because I had to lie to the person I cared about. It was like living a double life. I was really stuck in between family and a person I truly cared about. I think that’s why I like this book so much it is because it is relatable to everyday life.
Teenagers lie, fall in love, deal with family drama, and so much more. This may not be a book that is beyond any other amazing read you can imagine, but it is simple and has a truth to it. A truth telling us that love is real, forgiveness can happen, and that families are important. I whole heartedly recommend it.
What Out for: Fighting, mild language, hate, some kissing, and mentioning’s of death.
Oh My Goat Cheese! I have been looking for this title for almost 5 years. I read it back in 7th grade but forgot about the title. So thank you for doing a review. Nice blog & review. =)
Lisseth @read-a-holicz.blogspot.com
hey Eunice
You have got a nice blog here. 🙂
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That sounds like a really good book! Hmm.. I really should add this to my to-read list! New follower here from bookblogs 🙂
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