The Captain of Her Heart

The Captain of Her Heart Book Cover The Captain of Her Heart
Anita Stansfield
Crosswalk Books Incorporated
January 1, 2004

The year is 1777. As the brooding mists of the war settle over a stark American battlefield, Captain Ritcherd Buchanan yearns for his native England—and for Kyrah Payne, the woman he loves. Wounded and disheartened, he eventually returns home,  only to have Kyrah torn cruelly away from him and deported for a crime she did no commit. Despreate to bring her home, he joins a band of privateers and finds himself embracing the American patriots’ cause—a cause he’d once sworn to defeat.


All alone in a county at war, Kyrah becomes a victim of the breach between her own impoverish circumstances and the aristocratic upbringing of the man she loves. They had been best friends and confidants for more than half her life, but now she wonders if Ritcherd will ever be able to find her—or if he’ll even try. And she fears that the chasm between their worlds can never be bridged.

My Review:
I have not read this book since I was in high school and I admire it as much as I did then. Anita Stansfield is one of those authors who I can only handle some of her books, in this case, her historical romances.
Sometimes I feel that she gets a little too pushy with her religious faith, even though it is my same faith as well. But what I do love about her historical romance books is that they are unpredictable. I really never know what to expect. Especially with the Buchanan Saga!
This book is action packed, full of mystery, emotions, and surprises. I got through it quickly and was ready for the next one. If you like historical romances it is the right book for you!
Things to Watch Out for: Violence, fighting, beatings, lies, betrayal, war, slavery, and sensual moments.
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