White Socks Only

White Socks Only
By Evelyn Coleman;Albert Whitman & Company 1996


“You know you ain’t big enough to walk into no town alone, girl. 
You ain’t big enough ’til you gon’ do some good there.” 

A young African American girl sneaks into town on a hot summer day to fry eggs on the sidewalk. She is wearing a nice white summer dress, cool white socks, and black patented leather shoes. She faces discrimination while she drinks from a water fountain in the park. The sign on the fountain says “whites only.” She thought that “whites only” meant white socks only.

My Review: This book makes me so sad. Just to read about a little girl who misunderstood “whites only” for socks makes my heart just break. the saddest thing is when the man yells at the little girl because she misunderstood the sign, but the happy news is that chicken man comes the rescue! I thoroughly enjoy this book.

Things to Watch Out For: Discrimination and mild violence

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